Monday, September 28, 2009

20 weeks

I'm a bit past 20 weeks, but this photo was taken last week at the 20-week mark by my co-worker/photographer, Chelsea.  I hope it doesn't seem self-absorbed to post weekly photos.  One of my co-workers moved away to South Carolina (miss you, Dana!) and requested weekly updates.  I figure I might as well share them with everyone else!  (The ugly black blinds are at work, not my house.)

In other updates, we ordered furniture for the nursery this weekend.  Wow, what an overwhelming (and expensive) purchase.  It was fun though, and I'm happy with what we picked out.  One thing checked off the list, a million more to go...!!


Mollie said...

I loved picking out furniture! Are you painting the nursery or is it already how you want it?

Ashley said...

It's a blank slate, so we'll definitely be painting. Not sure of colors yet...I'm hoping to find the bedding first and go from there!

Beth said...

I hope it's not self-absorbed to post lots of pictures, because I did that! :) I love seeing the pictures of the growing belly - post all you want!

You need to post pictures of the room when you get it all put together. Ordering furniture can be fun!

Courtney said...

You're so ahead of me, Ash! I started to register, but haven't gotten to furniture yet. All we need is a crib, and hope to cross that off my list this month. We did register for a bunch of classes to take in Nov/Dec. It's CRAZY how fast the time is flying and that basically in a month I'll be in the 3rd trimester. AUGH!

Ashley said...

Court, don't be jealous b/c that's the ONLY thing we've done!! Went to Babies R Us last weekend to check it out, wow - overwhelming. Not even close to registering yet. You're so right - it goes by so quickly!! I know you've got a plan and it will all get done. Loved your baby bump photos!