Thursday, September 3, 2009

17 weeks

My baby bump grew exponentially overnight.  Here is the first official "baby bump" photo at 17 weeks.  (Good thing this was taken before dinner at Chipotle, or it would have been even bigger!)

I've been feeling the first flutters of movement for the last couple of weeks.  At first I was unsure if it was the baby, but now there is no doubt in my mind.  Every time I feel the little "butterflies" in my tummy, I lose all concentration on whatever I'm doing and obsess over feeling the next movement.  It will be even more exciting when they are powerful enough for Jason to see/feel.

Moving into this phase of pregnancy may be more difficult physically, but mentally it is better.  I tend to worry less (I'm told I'll never be worry-free) when I have reassurances about the baby.  The growing belly and baby's movements are nice daily reassurances that things are progressing as they should - not to mention exciting!

1 comment:

Tim Dorsey said...
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