Thursday, November 5, 2009

26 weeks

Swine flu is behind me and as my coworker Amy eloquently stated, "I have a feeling it's going to be healthy from here on out for [me] and baby huff puff"!  I sure hope so.  If being sick was good for anything, it's that I had time to rest and relax for the first time in a long time.  It helped me realize that I need to cut back and enjoy this time more.  Life has been so crazy that it's been hard to find time to prepare for the baby.  I don't want to look back on this time with regrets, so I am making some changes that will allow me to feel less stressed, hopefully stay healthier, and enjoy the next few months to the fullest.


Amanda B. said...

Look at that baby bump just a-growin'!! :)

Courtney said...

You look great, Ash! I think I have that same exact top :-) Isn't is so hard to slow down...why do we make ourselves crazy? We're trying to pull the reigns on our crazy schedule too and enjoy these last couple months just the two of us!

Ashley said...

I know, Court! I hope you are taking care of yourself and enjoying this time. There is no way to fully grasp the change that is about to come for us both!