Thursday, December 16, 2010

Wanna Walk

Just a quick update on the little man.  He's comfortably pulling up on everything now.  When I see him standing in his crib after naps, it really hits that he's growing into a little boy.  His balance is great and he often stands without any support for a few seconds at a time.  He can crawl with amazing speed and we have fun chasing him around the house.  We're now up to 4 teeth (and feeling the sleep deprivation!). He recently discovered the "guh" sound, so now we hear a chorus of "ah, bob, buh, kuh, guh" - what he means is up for interpretation!  Of course he has good and bad days (who doesn't?) but is generally a joyful little boy with a hearty laugh and a smile that will melt your heart. We are really looking forward to his first Christmas.

1 comment:

Beth said...

What a little cutie!! I don't think Eleanor would stand on her own until she was over a year old - he'll be walking soon! :)