Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Belly laughs!

"The worm" changed to a full-fledged crawl about 2 weeks ago, and now Mr. C gets where he wants to go - fast!  Plus, he's pulling up and loves loves loves to stand.  He's not very agile yet, so there are lots of bumps and tumbles.  A few days ago, one of his top teeth came through, so we're up to 3 teeth now.  Recently, his sounds have become very consistent - favorites are "ahhh" and "ba", which often comes out as "bob."  It's amazing to watch this learning process and see how quickly he changes in a day's time.

As for stats, Cooper weighs 21 lbs. and is 28 inches long.  Even though he's still a chunk, his weight gain seems to be slowing down. 

Great memories of cutting down our Christmas tree at a farm in Powhatan...a tradition we hope to continue for our family in the future.

I just adore Cooper's laugh, but really can't get enough of the belly laugh in the 2nd video below.

1 comment:

Jon Deutsch said... the videos!