Tuesday, June 22, 2010

My favorite things

As Cooper nears his 5-month birthday, we are completely amazed at how different he is from the baby of just a few months ago.  He is really developing into a little person.

Some of his favorite things:
-Grabbing the burp cloth and covering his face
-Playing peekaboo
-Sucking his thumb
-Reading books
-Bath time
-Smiling and giggling
-Watching TV (we think he likes the bright colors)
-Looking in the mirror
-Going to the pool (well, he was pretty indifferent during his first pool experience, so I'm hoping that means he will like it soon)
-Rolling over (rolled from back to front for the first time)
-Diaper changes
-Playing with Daddy

Some of his least favorite things:
-Solid food (failed attempt #1 occurred last Thursday evening)
-Sleeping at night (falling asleep, staying asleep...pretty much everything about it)
-Shots (can you blame him?)

Some of my favorite recent photos:

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