Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Delinquent Blogging

I know it's been a long time since I've posted.  Truth be told, we haven't taken many photos of the little guy recently.  Ever since I returned to work, life has taken on a new kind of busy.  We finally have a more laid back weekend coming up, and Father's Day is sure to provide some good photo opps.  So, be on the look-out for some new photos next week!

Cooper has his 18-week appointment tomorrow.  He was 15 lb. 11 oz. about 1.5 weeks ago, so I'm sure he's around 16 pounds now.  His weight is ridiculous!  We're dealing with sleep struggles these days (he's actually sleeping worse than he was 1 or 2 months ago) but otherwise is doing great.  He's happier than ever and sharing lots of grins, giggles, and coos.  It really melts your heart.

1 comment:

Mollie said...

Hang in there... Sleep is so confusing. Even once you get into a routine, something throws it off- like teething or growth spurt or something. The good news is that eventually all comes around. It's so rare for babies to find a routine and then never deviate from it and sleep great all the time. Kate has started waking up occasionally because she's dreaming (or so we think, judging by her panicked cry while huddled in the corner of her crib). I'm not a big fan of all of the "sleep solutions" books, but I did find a combination of a few that work well with my philosophies and parenting style if you want to check them out! Let me know!