Wednesday, May 5, 2010

12 weeks old and it's back to work for me...

Cooper had his 12-week doctor's appointment this morning.  Our little chunk-a-munk weighs 13 lb. 11 oz. and is 23 inches long.  No wonder he feels so heavy to carry!  Good news is that he is very healthy.  Other good news is that his digestive issues are definitely improving with time.  Bad news is that the doctor once again commented on his "strong" personality.  I think that's code for "you're in trouble when this child is 2".  In all seriousness, Cooper has never hidden his feelings.  He clearly doesn't like the doctor's office and hates shots, and he has no qualms about sharing those feelings with all of us!

I'm back at work this week so we're going through a big adjustment.  Besides being tired and not having enough time, the week is going as well as could be expected.  The flowers that "Cooper" sent me really made my day on Monday.  I like the balance of job and baby and so look forward to seeing Cooper when I get home from work.  Jason has really pitched in with all of the responsibilities, and that helps a ton.  My mother-in-law is keeping Cooper.  She's so good with him and I have no worries about whether he is in good hands.  It will take some time for us to get into the routine but we'll get there!

I haven't had time to upload any new photos, but promise to post a few soon.  Thanks to everyone who is sticking with the blog!

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