Wednesday, February 13, 2013

3-Year Stats

Here's what 3-year-old Cooper is like these days:

-Completely obsessed with all modes of transportation, especially construction vehicles and big trucks
-Loves Handy Manny and Bob the Builder.  He can name ALL of the tools in Handy Manny and ALL of the trucks in Bob.  Little brains are such sponges.
-Trying his hardest to be independent, yet not able to do some things by himself yet.  For example, he wants to put on his own pants but then gets frustrated when he can't do it.  Trying to teach patience...
-Very strong-willed and opinionated (at home); fairly laid back outside of the home (at school, church, and other people's homes).
-Still eating an extremely limited diet.
-35 lbs. and 39 inches, per the doctor today - right where he needs to be (despite my previous point, thank goodness).
-In major imitation mode.  When he is throwing a tantrum, I'll leave the room and say "tell me when you're ready."  The last few days, he has randomly said that same phrase to me which I think is hilarious.
-Imagination is beginning to take off, as he "reads" books to himself at night or plays with his toys.
-Seems to have inherited his daddy's sleep patterns to some extent.  Doesn't seem to require as much as the average kid and has a hard time falling asleep at night (especially on nap days).  Overall not a bad sleeper though.

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