Monday, May 28, 2012

2 Years + 4 Months

At nearly 4 months past his 2nd birthday, here's what life with Cooper is like these days:

-Talking much more...mostly 2-4 word phrases such as "need help", "no thank you", "go outside", "go get it", "yes please", and "I got it"
-More rough and tumble - going down the slide, swinging, jumping and hopping, climbing, crawling all over everything
-Identifies all of the letters and knows several colors (red, blue, orange, green, pink, yellow, purple, black, white).  Working on singing the ABCs.  Still loves to count.
-He still adores animals - especially dogs, cats, and monkeys.
-Obsessed with one of his train toys ("choo choo train") that plays music.  Getting more interested in cars and trucks, too.
-He has peed in the potty quite a few times now (his request), though we still aren't pushing potty training.  Not sure that he's completely ready developmentally but he is VERY interested.
-He LOVED the pool today.  Pretty much loves anything to do with water.

-Here are some words that come to mind to describe his personality: strong-willed, social around familiar faces, cautious around unfamiliar faces, observant, playful, stubborn, independent, active, joyful, goofy.

Wishing Well Park

Monkey Joe's

How we left the house one morning because he refused to wear his sandals

On Gigi and Papa's boat, wearing his "boat coat"

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