Tuesday, April 10, 2012

2 Years + 2 Months

Lots of fun developments in the past couple of months!  Here are some of Cooper's new tricks and other happenings:

-He's REALLY into numbers and counting (up to about 14 now)

-Can identify a handful of letters - O is his favorite.  Randomly walks up to signs and license plates and points them out.

-Speaking in 2-3 word phrases (favorites: mama's car, daddy's car, mama's shoes, daddy's shoes, etc.)

-Obsessed with playing games on the laptop or iPad (monkey jump on the laptop and counting cows on the iPad are favorites)

-He ADORES his grandparents - all of them!  My parents are "Gigi" and "Papa".  Jason's parent's are "Ma" and "Pa" since he has trouble getting out "Grandma" and "Grandpa".  He sounds like a country boy!

-Showing some interest in "helping" me in the kitchen. We're encouraging this in hopes that it will improve his relationship with food, which is quite rocky.

-Speaking of food, Cooper ate this much muffin one day.  This is a big deal for a kid who eats about 10 foods (and muffins aren't one of them!).

-Last Friday, Cooper boycotted his nap.  This is where he ended up later in the day...

-Pollen is not our friend, and Cooper continues to battle breathing/wheezing issues from seasonal allergies and cold viruses.  Wondering if he has asthma?  Will be talking to his dr. about it later in the week.  He was a champ at KidMed last night.  We're anxious for the pollen to go away so he can play outside again - it's just not an option because the pollen is such a trigger for his breathing issues.  So sad he can't enjoy this weather!

-He's definitely entered the typical independent phase for 2-year-olds - wants to take off his shirt, buckle his own car seat, zip up his jacket, etc.

-No plans to potty train yet, though he's showing a lot of (too much??) interest in those types of things.  Perhaps we'll give it a try this summer.  No rush.

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