Monday, April 5, 2010

2 months!

We have survived 2 months of parenthood.  When people ask how we're doing, I always say "great, but tired".  That pretty much sums it up!

This week, Cooper finally cracked a REAL smile and it's adorable!  (His timing was great too since all of the family was in town for Easter.)  Finally, you can coo and fuss over him and he'll smile and play back.

He is also officially sleeping in the nursery crib at night.  I find it liberating, Jason is still adjusting (he was sleeping uninterrupted in the guest room for the past 5 weeks), and Cooper is doing just great!  More and more, he is going up to 5.5 hours before wanting his middle-of-the-night feeding.

Cooper's first Easter was great.  He got to see all of his extended family.  He went to church and was very well-behaved in the nursery again.  The Easter Bunny paid him a visit, too.

Here are some photos from the week...

Visit from the Bassetts! (Sweet little Eliott was born 1.5 weeks before Cooper)

Beginnings of a smile early in the week

Auntie Em doing the much-enjoyed airplane hold

4 generations of Huffmans

Family photo

4 generations of Brownings

Sisterly Easter photo with good friends Red and Betty Anne


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