Sunday, January 1, 2012

23 month update

Cooper is almost 2 years old!  It's been fun to watch him reach some new milestones recently.  He is transforming into a little person right before our eyes.  Here are some recent developments:

-Each week he learns new words.  This is huge, as he didn't really start talking until a few months ago.  Some of his favorites: ball, moo, baa, cluck-cluck, bow-wow, quack, clock, shoes, dada, mama, papa, kitty, car, boat, coat, book.  His go-to's are "okay" and "uh-huh" - says them all the time.
-Communication in general is improving.  He's able to make choices, such as picking between 2 options for breakfast.  Still has his share of tantrums, but they have eased up a bit because of this.
-Every night before bed we practice pointing to his family members.  He correctly identifies us and all of his grandparents, aunts and uncles.  Recently, he started calling my dad by name ("Papa") during this little exercise.  This happened completely out of the blue.  He also says "mama" and "dada" for us.
-Eating continues to be our biggest challenge - he is beyond picky and accepts a very limited range of foods.  In fact, he'll start seeing a speech/feeding therapist this month to help with his language development and diet.  On the flip side, he finally embraced independent eating about a month ago.  I was having visions of spooning yogurt into his mouth when he was 18 years old, so this makes me very proud. :)
-Despite his wacky diet, his growth is perfect - about 29 lbs. and 35 inches - so luckily that is not a concern.
-Cooper's embracing sleep more than ever, and we're getting spoiled.  He sleeps till 7 or 8am and takes an afternoon nap, which lasts anywhere from 1-3 hours depending on the day.  It's awesome after months and months of sleep deprivation and waking up at 6am or earlier!
-He continues to be an extremely strong-willed little boy.  Our pediatrician assures us this will be a good quality as he grows up to be a leader.  Luckily, he is also a sweetheart, a charmer, and a goofball.  (Sound like someone we know?)
-Recently Cooper's been saying the "p" sound a lot - sometimes correctly and other times, well, not.  On Christmas Day, we pointed to his new train and asked him to say "choo choo" - but instead, he said "poo poo".  He also says "poo poo" every time we point to his new UVA shirt.  Still can't figure that one out... (No wise cracks from any Tech fans!)
-His biggest interests by far are books, animals, and Sesame Street.  He loves to be read to, but also enjoys sitting alone in his rocker/glider and flipping through the pages of his books.  As for Sesame Street, it all started with an Elmo obsession, but now he loves all of the characters.  He can point to them when you say their names (even the more obscure ones like Abby and Zoe - we had to brush up on our Sesame Street knowledge recently!).  And animals in general are always a win - in books, stuffed, in person, on flashcards, etc.  He loves them.
-We are ringing in 2012 with Cooper's first stomach bug :(  Seems the worst is behind us, but not a fun day for the little guy.

At the Children's Museum (he was having fun despite the look on his face!)

Mr. Heart Breaker flirting with the lady at the next table over

Wheeee down the slide at Romp-n-Roll